Era Organics Sugar Scrub Review

Era Organics Sugar Scrub product image for our review


Era Organics sugar scrub presents as a spa-quality raw sugar exfoliating product designed for all skin types. Made in the USA, it combines organic and natural ingredients like coconut oil, jojoba oil, kaolin clay, and witch hazel. It aims to exfoliate, cleanse, and moisturize the skin. So what do we think?

Key Features

  • Ingredients: White sugar, almond oil, witch hazel, rosemary, kaolin clay.
  • Benefits: Exfoliates and nourishes skin, targets cellulite, body acne, varicose veins.
  • Skin Suitability: Safe for sensitive and all skin types.
  • Chemical-Free: No sulfates, parabens, or harsh chemicals.

Pros and Cons


  • Natural Formulation: Plant-based ingredients ensure a gentle yet effective exfoliation.
  • Versatile Skin Care: Suitable for various skin concerns, enhancing skin’s brightness and smoothness.
  • Sensitive Skin Friendly: Free from irritants, making it suitable for those with sensitive skin.
  • Quality Assurance: Backed by Era Organics’ commitment to customer satisfaction.

( Check Latest Price & Availability )


  • Limited Availability: Mainly available online, which might not suit all consumers. Though, can places like Amazon be considered “limited availability” anymore?!?!
  • Scent Preference: The specific scent of raspberry lemon might not appeal to everyone.
  • Price Point: Might be considered expensive compared to other scrubs in the market. When available on sale, however, we consider it a very affordable and reasonable price point.

Era Organics Sugar Scrub: Detailed Analysis

The Era Organics Raw Sugar Exfoliating Scrub stands out for its effective and gentle exfoliation, courtesy of its high-quality, food-grade ingredients.

It’s designed to not only remove dead skin cells but also nourish the skin, leaving it looking healthier and more vibrant.

The inclusion of ingredients like kaolin clay and witch hazel enhances its cleansing and soothing properties.

Furthermore, its formulation is free from common irritants like sulfates and parabens, making it an excellent choice for those with sensitive skin. However, the product’s scent and price may not align with every consumer’s preferences.

Conveniently, its availability at the largest and most popular online markets make it easy to source.